How Kenny lost 35 lb., gained a 450-lb. deadlift and stopped running from the camera.

Kenny Kicks Butt; Loses Gut

Kenny had been in great shape all of his life. He played football in high school and baseball in college.

But once he joined the working world, his fitness took a turn for the worse.

“Once I started working, I just started eating everything in sight, and I just lost control,” he said.

He’d make half-hearted attempts to hit the gym, but would usually pack up and go home after 10 or 15 minutes. He needed something more interesting than the treadmill.

Enter CrossFit. 

His first day at CrossFit Hale, Kenny watched someone doing double-unders. 

“‘Is the rope coming around twice?’” he asked himself. “I thought I was seeing things.” 

It wasn’t always easy, but he committed to training—even when he felt like he didn’t know what he was doing or when he finished a workout dead last.

Three and a half years later, Kenny’s the one rocking out the doubles—and a few other skills, too—and is down 35 lb. 

“Be patient, it will come,” he advised. “All you have to do is show up.”

Listen to the rest of Kenny’s story in Episode 39 of the Living Better Podcast.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Kenny lost 35 lb. after joining CrossFit Hale.
  • How he found balance with his diet.
  • How fitness has transformed Kenny’s life in and out of the gym.

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