In this episode, we talk about something a little controversial.

Should I train if I’m injured?

Often we get people with small aches and pains who ask “Should I train if this hurts?” Soreness and aches and pains are part of getting older, and whether you get them at the gym or in your day to day life, it’s important to know how to deal with

In general, we recommend people see a doctor before deciding whether to train or not. You and your doctor know you better than we do! However, in most cases small aches and pains and soreness are normal parts of everyday life, and should not completely derail your training.

In this podcast, we talk about the different types of injuries, go through some rules of thumb about when to train around those injuries, and give you some ideas on how to avoid them in the first place.

3 caveats here before you listen:

1) We are not doctors, and we recommend you always see a doctor if you are in doubt.

2) We do not advocate training through an injury but rather, training AROUND an injury. You don’t stop walking because your shoulder hurts, or stop riding a bike because you aren’t comfortable running. There are often functional movements you can do that do not agitate any pain.

3) DO NOT IGNORE PAIN. It’s important to understand what is causing this pain and fix that underlying root cause.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The 3 different types of what people call “injury”
  • How to use aches and pains as feedback
  • Why you want to avoid injury at all costs and some ideas on how to do that
  • The benefits of training around injury
  • The biggest mistake most people make when they feel aches and pains, and how to know the difference between that and real injury
  • How you can learn to identify your issues and hot spots and avoid future problems

Links and Resources for this Episode

  • Mobility Wod – useful daily videos on how to improve your hotspots – click here
  • Functional movement screen – how to know if you’re ready for certain types of movements – click here

Thank you for listening

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Workout of the Day:

Handstand push ups
ring dips
push ups



Handstand push ups
Ring dips
Push ups

Coaches’ notes:
This one is all about the upper body, and will be challenging for everyone.

Scale the workout down to 12-9-6 if you are close on HSPU and ring dips but still struggle.

If you don’t have HSPU, scale to strict shoulder press (75/55#)
If you don’t have ring dips, scale to bar dips or parallette dips
If you are struggling with full push ups, to knee or box or wall push ups

Work with your coach to determine the best scaling. The workout should NOT be easy (the best in the world still take 5-10 mins on it), so don’t make it easy.

Cut off will be 25 mins on this one.

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Jay Williams, Founder

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